
Connecticut Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Program (DSNAP)

Illustration of a pregnant woman and a child receiving nutritional assistance through the Delaware WIC Program.

Learn about the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) in Connecticut, which provides food assistance to households affected by natural disasters. Find out the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits.

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

Low-income family receiving utility bill assistance through LIHEAP in Kentucky

Learn about the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), a program designed to provide heating assistance to low-income households in the state. Find out eligibility criteria and how to apply for support with your winter heating costs.

Connecticut Supported Employment Program

Connecticut Supported Employment Program Program Overview Supported Employment has been set up with the help of SAMHSA in Connecticut. That is the Substance Abused and Mental Health Services Administration. The program is meant to help adults who suffer from serious mental illness. This is also known as SMI. Along with these individuals, people included in […]

Connecticut Medicaid

Connecticut Medicaid What You Need To Know? Medicaid is an extensive health insurance program that provides benefits to a wide range of people. In Connecticut, it is run by the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) to provide health-related facilities to both families with low-income and individuals who are living below a certain poverty level. The […]


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