Food is essential in all the processes of our lives, either because it provides us with energy and nutrients for the proper functioning of the body, to fight diseases, to feel good and, of course, to develop ourselves. Do you know what foods you should include in your diet during pregnancy?
Here is list of the Do’s that we must include in our diet.
Folic acid, which helps the optimal development of the baby’s nervous system and is found in oats, avocado, banana, spinach, corn, chickpeas, beetroot sprouts, broccoli and carrots, etc.
Iron, as our body uses it to make more blood to supply the baby with oxygen. If you don’t have enough, you can develop anemia. The sprout of mixed grains, nuts, red meat, peaches, almonds, among others, contains it.
Calcium, to keep your teeth and bones healthy, and for the formation of your baby’s bones. In addition, calcium allows the proper functioning of the circulatory system, the nervous system and the muscles.
Antioxidants, present in live foods, such as sprouts, help counteract oxidative stress. We find them in the variety of sprouts, as well as in citrus fruits, vegetable oils, cocoa, salmon, chia, etc.
Protein, which is used for the growth of the baby. If it is of animal origin: choose lean meats with the exception of fish such as salmon that contains omega 3.
Fats, fundamental in the structuring of an adequate utero-placental flow, the formation of cell membranes, the growth of the fetus and the development of the central nervous system. Good fats can be found in foods with Omega 3 content, such as salmon and tuna (blue fish) and of vegetable origin in chia oil and sprouts; unsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, almonds, peanuts, seeds, olives etc.
And just as there are foods that are necessary to consume at this stage, we find the other side of the coin where there are those that we must avoid.
Here the Don’ts:
Industrialized products high in additives such as preservatives, dyes, stabilizers, emulsifiers, etc.
Trans fats that we can identify by their change from a liquid to a solid or powder state like margarine and coffee creamers.
Added sugar in drinks, desserts, bakery products, ice cream, sweets, etc.
Moderate the consumption of saturated fats such as egg yolk.
Moderate salt intake.
When pregnant, you will have to be more careful in the care of our intake because we are in a very demanding process and that, if we are not sufficiently prepared, it can lead to some imbalances and deficiencies, which affect not only us, but the baby as well.