Around the world, the elderly population has been one of the most vulnerable to the viral infections. This has forced millions of them to isolate themselves from their family, work, and activities during pandemic. Protecting their physical health has become one of the priorities at this time; however, it is important to also take care of the mental health of our older adults due to the self-imposed social distance.
In this context and given the concern to care for the elderly, Affective shares the following recommendations:
Do fun activities. Dedicate your free time to develop activities together. Do crafts, read your favorite books and even, if your condition allows it, get some exercise.
The important thing about recreational activities is that they stimulate the brain, reduce stress, improve mood and agility to think.
Establish regular routines and hours. Encourage him to get out of bed and continue his pre-lockdown routine (as much as possible). Do not allow your loved one to stay in their pajamas all day for several days at a time, as this could negatively impact their mood.
Help him with his purchases and payments.
If you are sick do not visit them.
Avoid kisses and hugs.
Some specialists have expressed concern about social distancing that can affect the routine and vitality of older adults, so they recommend emphasizing the importance of maintaining good habits, including enough time to sleep, healthy eating, and exercise.
Preventive measures: Of course, maintain prevention measures and pay constant attention to the corresponding health indications. Stay in constant communication. To protect your vulnerable friends and family, avoid exposing yourself to possible infection if you have symptoms of an illness. Instead, establish communication measures such as video calls, phone calls and other means in order not to cause social isolation (one of the main problems in the elderly population).
Listen to him and pay attention to him, not forgetting to remind him how much you love him. Faced with social isolation, the elderly may experience feelings of anxiety or depression. To avoid this scenario, recondition your routine. Involve him in family activities and keep him informed of prevention measures.
Remember to follow the general care: There is still no evidence to support that older adults are much more likely to get infected, unlike young people. But experts attribute part of that risk to a weakened immune system due to age.