
Georgia Weatherization Assistance Program

Georgia Weatherization Assistance Program Program Overview The Georgia Weatherization Assistance Program provides aid to families to make their homes more energy-efficient. The program is funded by the federal government as a block grant program administered by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It is provided to different states and Indian tribes living in various territories in […]

Georgia Medicare Waiver

Georgia Medicare Waiver Program Overview The Georgia Medicare Waiver is administered by the Georgia Department of Community Health. The purpose of the Waiver program is to assist elderly citizens with physical or intellectual disabilities by making them part of a community. The services are provided either at home or at community care or daycare. A […]

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) for Georgia

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) for Georgia Program Overview The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income persons in Georgia, including the elderly, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost. TEFAP is a federally funded program that provides USDA foods […]

Georgia Planning for Healthy Babies (P4HB) Program

Georgia Planning for Healthy Babies (P4HB) Program Program Overview The Georgia Planning for Healthy Babies (P4HB) Program is administered by the Department of Community Health (DCH), Division of Medicaid to assist women who deliver low birth weight (LBW) babies to reduce the number of VLWB in the city of Georgia. The Georgia Planning for Healthy Babies […]

Georgia Elderly and Disabled Waiver Program

Georgia Elderly and Disabled Waiver Program Program Overview The Georgia Elderly and Disabled Waiver Program is administered by the Department of Community Health and provides nursing care service to elders who disabled or functionally impaired.  The elderly people are provided community-based services to make them live their lives more independently and with their loved ones. […]


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