Program Overview
As the name MED stands for the Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities, it represents the offering services. MED Works helps the disabled workers of Indiana, giving them appropriate services related to health and low-cost insurance.
MED Works has a goal for low-cost insurance and the most appropriate health assistance to the eligible persons.
Eligibility Criteria
MED Works provides the professional and assists the minute details regarding the health services for the eligible persons. It is why the eligibility criteria include all the details to provide efficient services.
A person should meet the requirements to qualify for the Indiana MED Works. These are the following:
- A person should have a disability according to the Federal definition of disability.
- MED favors for the disabled, but they should be working people.
- The employee should meet the guidelines of MED.
- The person should be a resident of Indiana.
- The age limit for completing the criteria should fall from 16 to 65.
Medicaid Works provides health insurance to the following persons:
- Adults of age more than 15 years
- Female having pregnancy
- Aged people
- Blind
Financial Qualification for MED Works
The financial qualification criteria to meet the eligibility criteria demand that the disabled Workers not have income above 350% of the FPL, Federal Poverty Level. In 2020, a person with a 60 or older age should have a monthly interest of less than $2,349 for this service.
There are annual amendments in the FPL, and its regulation is under the Federal Government’s control. The guidelines for MED Works eligibility include a limited income for eligibility.
MED Works count your income sources, but some incomes do not come under these calculations. These include:
- Tax returns
- Federal law supported assistance
- Family members income
The income of your spouse has no effects on eligibility, but it somehow affects the premium calculations for the availing of facilities of MED Works.
When you are going to apply for the MED Works, there is a count for your assets. You have to give information on the assets tests. However, your aids like your car, burial space, home, and retirement savings do not come under the calculations.
If a person’s income goes more than the MED Works demand demands, he might have to pay tax according to the Federal regulations. However, it also takes care of the utilization of your income.
Caring Services Packages
There are different packages for caring, like long-term care for the blind or aged people. On the other hand, it can be a short-term package for the short-term physically disabled person.
MED Works provides services to the eligible person regarding his routine work like mobility, dressing, eating, etc. It also facilitates special care services regarding cooking, cleaning the home clutter, shopping, etc.
Co-Payment for Services
The person should have to co-pay for some services, as he has to co-pay per-prescription. These services include:
- Hospital care and visits
- Prescribed drugs assurance
- Physical fitness and emergency care services.
The program has documented form, and there are different criteria for disabilities. MED Works has other Medicaid packages for the Hoosier care connect, Hoosier health-wise, and conventional Medicaid.
MED Works for Future Securities
MED Works provides future securities to the persons who avail of this facility. The persons who have extra money go for the special accounts to ensure savings for the premium services and goods purchasing. This advantage facilitates them for future securities regarding the job, to find a new one, or to retain it.
One can use these savings for plans like starting a new business or some other investments.
Amendments in MED Works Package
An enrolled person also has to go for the annual renewal of the packages. He has to fulfill the requirements. He is responsible for representing all of his actual assets if there are any changes in his investments. There is an adjustment in the premium and the service charges of the person according to his aids.
MED Works will help you to sort out the medical aid issues when you have no more income and private insurance for this life demand.
What Package of MED Works is The Best for Me
The package’s availability depends upon your age, the level of disability, your assets, and your income. Some guidelines will help you to sort out this issue.
Moreover, the annual re-enrollment also results in the renewal of the packages. MED Works adjust the monthly premium according to the person’s health and emergency demands and the income of that person.
For Further Information
For more information about MED Works, please visit the Indiana Health Coverage Programs website or call at 1-800-457-8283