Program Overview
The Employment and Training (E&T) program is administered by the Hawaii Department of Human Services and provides employment and food opportunities to the deserving citizens of the state of Hawaii. The E&T is a statewide program that helps individuals get into the workforce to be able to support their families. The program is provided to the recipient of the SNAP program. The various services include job training, workshops to polish your resume and interview skills, activities for job search, job supportive services as well as cash assistance to cover the childcare and other expenses during that period.
Program Objectives
For economies to be successful, it is important to have working citizens. These employed men and women are the backbone of any economy. Unemployed people who are not a part of the workforce go through many hardships including mental and financial. They also miss out on development opportunities and are unable to create a stable life for themselves. The Hawaii Employment and Training (E&T) program contributes toward a healthy economy as the unemployed and needy individuals are provided food and employment opportunities. The recipients of the program must attend training workshops on skill development and job search every month.
The main aim of the program is to provide help to the participants of the SNAP program in achieving a sto achievetable life for the participants and their families. Community work, accountability, referrals, and other support are the ways the program provides help to eligible candidates.
Eligibility Requirements
The Hawaii Employment and Training (E&T) program is eligible for people who fulfill the following eligibility requirements,
- The applicant is a permanent citizen of the U.S. or is a legal alien
- The applicant is a resident of the state of Hawaii
- The applicant is the recipient of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the state of Hawaii
- The applicant belongs to a poor household with low-income
- The applicant must meet the income level limit guidelines provided by the program
- The resource of the applicant must be within the limits described in the program guidelines
You can learn more about the program eligibility requirements of the Hawai Employment and Training (E&T) program by kindly visiting the Department of Human Services website.
How to Apply
The applicant can use different methods to apply for the Hawaii Employment and Training (E&T) program. It makes the whole process very flexible and applicants can choose the method easier for them.
Apply via phone call
To apply via phone for the Hawaii Employment and Training (E&T) program kindly call at 808 586-4993 to contact the Department of Human Services office to request an application form for the program. You will be then connected to a customer service representative who will guide you about the program and its application procedure. The application will be emailed to you and you can then return once you fill out the form to get the program’s benefits.
Apply via Fax
To apply through fax, the applicant will be required to fax the application form along with all the attested copies of the required documents to the Department of Human Services office in your locality. You can find the information to fax and email to the program office on the official DHS website.
Apply through the local district office
If you are interested in submitting their application in person, they can visit the nearby Hawaii Department of Human Services, Division of Benefit, Employment and Support Services office in your locality. The representative of the Employment and Training (E&T) program will guide you about the program details, eligibility criteria, and program benefits.
The application process takes very little time and once you finish the form you can wait for your confirmation number which will be provided to you shortly afterward. It is advisable to apply before the due date to be able to get the benefits of the Hawaii Employment and Training (E&T) program
The applicants can also visit the Hawaii official Marketplace to see if they qualify for the program. The Marketplace provides information about all the major topics including program details, goals, and eligibility criteria about the different programs in various states of the United States of America.
For Further Information
For more information related to the Hawaii Employment and Training (E&T) program please visit the official Hawaii Department of Human Services, Division of Benefit, Employment, and Support Services. It provides complete and accurate information about the program. The above-mentioned website will help you learn more about the program and its requirements related to the application process and eligibility criteria, the program’s working procedure, income, and resources eligibility to apply for the Employment and Training (E&T) program in the state of Hawaii. To make the application procedure easy the website also contains guidelines for the applicants to correctly fill the application form.