
How Do You Know You Got Allergies? The Most Common Allergy Types

Allergy symptoms vary depending on the type of allergen and the severity with which they affect each organism. In general they include itching, sneezing, runny nose, tearing, hives, rashes and, in more severe cases, difficulty breathing and anaphylactic shock.

The treatment of allergies depends fundamentally on the types of allergies and is based on avoiding it as far as possible. It may also include antihistamine therapy, inhaled or nasal corticosteroids, or desensitizing immunotherapy.

Main types of allergies

Allergies to pollen, mites, pet hair, foods such as peanuts, tree nuts, dairy products, insect bites, and some type of medication such as penicillin are very common.

Pollen allergy

Also known as hay fever and allergic rhinitis, it affects up to 40% of children. It is a reaction to tree and grass pollen that is released into the environment during the flowering season. In people allergic to pollen, an inflammatory process is triggered in the nasal mucosa, in the paranasal sinuses and in the conjunctiva, which is why they present sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and tearing. In general, it is a seasonal allergy, in spring it is usually caused by pollen from trees and in summer by grass pollen, especially from grasses.

Grass allergy

It is a subtype of pollen allergy. It is a very common seasonal allergy that appears at the beginning of summer. Contact with pollen by inhalation or through the skin and mucous membranes triggers the release of histamine in allergic people, giving rise to the symptoms described, and may even trigger anaphylactic shock.

Sweat allergy

It is a rare pathology, also called cholinergic urticaria. It is a reaction to the substances released with sweat, not the sweat itself, and it is triggered when acetylcholine is produced during exercise, when the heat increases or in stressful situations and causes itching, hives and rashes, generally in the thorax and in the extremities, which varies significantly depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Water allergy

Also known as aquagenic urticaria, it is also rare and presents symptoms similar to sweat allergy. The exact mechanism by which this pathology is generated is not known, but it is thought that it is not triggered by the water itself, but by the substances that are dissolved in it and come into contact with the skin.

Mosquito bite allergy

It is an allergic reaction to the proteins present in the saliva of mosquitoes that is injected into the skin at the time of the bite. The reaction is variable and includes redness, inflammation, itching and pain, although in more severe cases it can cause blisters or even anaphylactic shock that can endanger the patient’s life.

Dust mite allergy

Dust mites are small insects that live in accumulated dust in homes, mattresses, bedding, and upholstered furniture. Allergy sufferers secrete histamine when they come into contact with the waste products of these insects and present sneezing, runny nose, tearing and, in more severe cases, asthma.


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